The webinar I chose to watch was called Targeting the ages: programming that hits the mark, and it was an extremely useful resource. I came away from it with so many ideas and tools to actually implement those tools. The archived video was about an hour and half long, and having the ability to press play and then pause whenever I needed to made it even better. It was very easy to access, since all I had to was click the button and there it was. I apparently already had the software needed, so that made things smoother.
I actually took a class once that was set up similar to this, except we met in person and live chatted with another class room within my university's system so we were one big class. The instructor would rotate each week which location she was at. It was a strange set up, but I enjoyed it because it gave us that many more people to contribute to the conversation and helped make things very interesting. It was for a communications class, so it also helped display different (more modern) ways of communicating. I really enjoyed the webinar, because it gives the viewer a chance to listen while also looking at the powerpoint presentations they show and the websites they reference. In a way, I liked it more than an in-person meeting, because sometimes when meeting in person, you don't get a chance to cover all the topics you wanted and things get left out because of the conversations started. A lot of valuable information can be lost, but when they are on a tight production schedule, they are forced to cover all topics. I will definitely be viewing more webinars, and I am so happy I took the time to explore them.
Schuylerville Public Library Book Club's currently-reading book montage
7 members
The Schuylerville Public Library is located in Schuylerville, NY. Our book club reads one book a mo...

The Schuylerville Public Library is located in Schuylerville, NY. Our book club reads one book a mo...
That's a great point about a webinar being more likely to keep to the schedule and cover all the planned topics!