I love online communities. They are just fun. Personally, I am a member of Facebook, Goodreads (amanda85), and Ravelry (amanda45). I have been using Goodreads for a few years and I love it. It not only lets me keep track of what I've read, but it gives me ideas on what I may like based on my ratings. I especially like the "to-read" list so that I can keep track of all those books I see, want to read and then can't ever remember where that scrap piece of paper with the title went. It just makes it easy having all my book titles in one spot. I think this could be a great tool for the library if we were to create a library group and share reviews and what the book club is reading.
I am obsessed with Ravelry, a site that I only recently became aware of when a member of our knit/crochet club mentioned it. I am planning on making a group and/or forum for our knitting club so people can post pictures of what they're working on and questions they may have in between meetings. It would also give those who can't make it to our meetings a chance to still be a part of the group.
The library got a Twitter account a month or so ago, despite my hesitation. I have never had any use for one on a personal level, since it seemed like just another page to log-in to and update a status and it seemed like you could just do that on Facebook or AIM. But with regards to the library, I think its a very useful tool. However, after having it for a bit, we still only have 8 followers, which seemingly makes it usless as far as getting information out there. I think if we had more people following our tweets, it would be an awesome tool. The questions is: How do we get the word out there?
We also have a Facebook with is a wonderful tool for getting information out to many people at once and it gives the patrons a chance to leave us comments too. Facebook is a no-brainer for us.
Schuylerville Public Library Book Club's currently-reading book montage
7 members
The Schuylerville Public Library is located in Schuylerville, NY. Our book club reads one book a mo...

The Schuylerville Public Library is located in Schuylerville, NY. Our book club reads one book a mo...
Have you thought about giving out a little paper/card with the library's Twitter account name to patrons upon checkout? Is the Twitter account information on your library's web site? Just a couple of ideas that came to mind!
ReplyDeleteIt is on the website, but I hadn't thought of handing out cards to the patrons. Thanks for the great idea, Colleen!
ReplyDeleteI love Twitter, but it really hasn't caught on at Crandall quite like I hoped. I did notice that the more people/groups I followed, the more followers we started getting.